Pertama kali saya membaca info menarik ini dari blog Kak Cery, saya amat tertarik dan cuba praktis sikit-sikit dalam hidup saya, mana yang mampu laa.. Saya salute sangat dengan surirumah yang bertungkus lumus menguruskan rumahtangga, mengurus anak dan keluarga.
Hebat kan seorang ibu itu |
Surirumah itu ibarat superwoman, yang mampu melakukan banyak perkara-memasak, mengemas peti sejuk, mengemas permainan yang berterabur, melipat pakaian, membasuh dan mnjemur pakaian, mengelap tingkap dan perabot rumah dll...Mari saya kongsikan Tips 20 minit tugasan sehari dalam mengurus rumahtangga.
Dipetik dari blog Kak Cery.
Apa prinsip utama menjayakan Tips ini..
- Dealing With What Comes Through The Door . >>Set up a small area by the front door to act as a landing strip for incoming items into your home.
- Do Your Dishes After Every Meal This will help you stay on top of your kitchen instead of having it turn into a monster! >> Maknanya..jgn bertangguh...setiap kali lepas makan..cuci dapur tu.Kalau rasa nak buang sampah dari dapur basah tu,pack terus buang mlm tu its over and done with...If you need to take the trash out, place it by the front door to go out in the morning or dispose of it that night so it's over and done with.
- Laundry If you have a washer and dryer at home, do a little bit each day.>>ini pun jgn tangguh2..
- Whistle While You Work: Those who are happiest when cleaning are few and far between. Singing, humming, whistling or turning up the stereo are all great options to keep the beat in your feet and have fun while working. >> Kalau org putih..time buat kerja rumah,diorang bersiul menyanyi... tapi kita ni yg muslim tu..apakata berzikir,beristigfar,berselawat ke... hati pun tenang.,bdn pun rasa ringan dan segar...rezeki pun dilapangkan dan dimurahkanNya.. :-).. takdela nak pot pet mengeluh.. kan kan kan
- Set a Timer: kat bawah ni disenaraikan 30 task utk 30 hari..setiap darinya akan ambil masa dlm 5-10minit.. yg pasti tak lebih dari 20minit... anda yg set kan masa sbb anda je tahu keupayaan anda..
Jom jenguk bagaimana cara untuk memastikan keadaa n rumah kita sentiasa kelihatan bersih...
Apakah Tips 20 minutes Task A day for 30 days..
1. Surface clean living room and kitchen (pick up stray items, dust, sweep, vacuum)
2. Clean bathrooms (toilets, showers, floors, walls, mirrors)
3. Surface clean bedrooms (put away toys, clothes, dust)
4. Surface clean "extra" rooms (basement, office, play room)
5. Surface clean living room and kitchen
6. Clean bathrooms
7. Clean all interior windows (white vinegar and newspaper works great and is cheap!)
8. Sweep and vacuum all floors in the house (don't forget stairs)
9. Surface clean bedrooms
10. Deep clean living room (mirrors, baseboards, dust artwork)
11. Clean bathrooms
12. Clean out closets (hang up clothes, mittens, jackets, hats)
13. Surface clean "extra" rooms
14. Deep clean bedrooms (organize drawers, check under bed, tidy closet, dust artwork, fans, lights, mop)
15. Surface clean living room and kitchen
16. Deep clean bathrooms (clean inside drawers, inside of trash cans, tops of mirrors, tile, mop)
17. Clean all door knobs, phones, entertainment equipment (remote controls), switch plates, banisters and other things that are repeatedly touched.
18. Clean out the refrigerator, take stock of food, organize pantry
19. Clean entryway, sweep porch (if you have one), clean out car (because they're often our home away from home)
20. Surface clean living room and kitchen
21. Surface clean bathrooms
22. Surface clean bedrooms
23. Sweep and vacuum all floors in the house
24. Clean linen closet, straighten towels, sheets or regular closet if not applicable
25. Surface clean living room and kitchen
26. Deep clean kitchen (scrub appliances, wash trash cans, base boards, wipe down and straighten cabinets)
27. Surface clean bathrooms
28. Surfaces clean bedrooms
29. Clean one item you've been meaning to get to and haven't (deep clean your stove, wipe down all light fixtures, tackle a particularly unruly area)
30. Sweep and vacuum all floors in the house
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